Forums - Why I want to see Anakaris in tournaments... Show all 17 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Why I want to see Anakaris in tournaments... ( Posted by TimeFlip on 03:17:2001 11:55 PM: This is just some stuff I thought of... 1.Pharaoh's Curse: Sure it starts up slow, but it resets the combo meter and allows the use of an assist once again. This leads to many infinite. The problem is hitting them with it. I think Cyclop's AAA would work for this. So a basic infinite would be: Cyclop's AAA, Pharaoh Curse,JP+Assist,MP,HP, Pharaoh Curse, Repeat. Do the Pharaoh Curse during a normal jump. Cyclop's AAA will stop some dash-ins,allowing the infinite 2. Coffin Drop: The coffin drop can be directed in 4 different places. It comes from the ceiling(hint hint runaway-storm). I'm thinking of a trap with Blackheart AAA, in which Anakaris jumps+calls blackheart, and Anakaris drops coffins depending on where the opponent is. 3. Idle Hands: This isn't too good at point except in air combos, but it is a pretty good assist. It is unblockable, and you can OTG after it. Think of the possibilities... 4. (b,f PP): I don't know what you call this move, but it chips really well and takes off serious damage in air combos. This move DHC to hail storm will hurt the opponent So anyway a sample team would be: Anakaris(Throw) Cyclops(AAA) Blackheart(AAA) Anakaris and Blackheart can trap, and if the opponent rushes in, the Cyclops AAA can lead to the infinite. So what do you think. Is Anakaris tournament worthy? And please test my strats. I'm actually considering Anakaris. Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 12:26 AM: One more thing: Will a tiger knee Pharaoh's curse hit a grounded opponent? (d,df,f,uf,k) Posted by The Deserted Chateau on 03:18:2001 01:14 AM: I've often found that the reason why Anakaris is rarely seen in tournaments is because of the pitifully great damage he takes when he is hit. I'm no professional when it comes to using Anakaris but I can use him in the very least and he's not hopeless as some people make him out to be. If Anakaris took damage well or at least at an average set point, he would certainly be more common. Some of Anakaris' moves are a pain to pull off. An excellent example is his Pharaoh Magic. It's not activated like a normal super and it has slow start up. Aside from seeing a huge sarcophagus drop in the end, this super doesn't really hurt. Coffin Drop is very useful because it can be specifically directed in four places. Anakaris could saty in the sky for a long time abusing this move. Unfortunately, there's something called Blackheart that will make it impossible for Anakaris to perform the prolonged coffin drops. I agree, that Blackheart would be useful to Anakaris' cause. His AAA would certainly insure Anakaris' life a little longer by preventing the opponent from meeting him. Idle Hands builds a lot of meter. Despite it being unblockable, it is duckable. Players have a tendency to crouch block, thus Idle Hands is useless. I agree that it can be used in air combos and its OTG properties. B, F + PP is called Asp Rush or Cobra Blow, I'm not too sure myself but I know that it chips well. I found that it works best when the opponent is right next to Anakaris and the damage is very impressive. TimeFlip, I like your attitude towards Anakaris. I like your strats as well. When it comes down to it, Anakaris would most likely be unused because of his bad stamina. I think he is tournament worthy because he plays unusually but on the other hand, Blackheart and Cable would significantly reduce his time in the arena. If you decide to use Anakaris, my advice is use him only in the earlier matches of the tournament. My bad! [This message has been edited by The Deserted Chateau (edited 03-17-2001).] Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 01:33 AM: To Deserted Chateau: You seem to be confused. Pharaoh CURSE is(in air,d,df,f+k) Pharaoh MAGIC is(rk,jp,d,sk,fp) With that aside: Can anyone test my theoretical trap? Blackheart's AAA might beat it, but noone ever tried it right? So put your posts here: Posted by dj-b13 on 03:18:2001 03:26 AM: anakaris is cool ^_^ Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 03:29 AM: I'm sure someone has something constructive to say. I want to know if there are any professional Anakaris players and what are their strategies. Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 03:57 AM: Just wanted to test my sig me-"I'm trying to get at least one person to play Anakaris in the tournament" Posted by The Deserted Chateau on 03:18:2001 04:19 AM: Err..I don't think its working. R U sure that you ticked the signature box when posting the message? dj-B13, Anakaris is cool? Yeah, I think he's cool too! Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 04:48 AM: To Deserted Chateau: I just wanted to see how it looked since I've been trying to get a picture all day. So anyway, I might try to go to the arcade tomorrow and play: Anakaris(Throw) Cyclops(Anti-Air) Blackheart(Anti-Air) I'll use my strats and see how I do, and post my results here. me-"I'm trying to get at least one person to play Anakaris in the tournament" Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:18:2001 04:53 AM: I play the Anakaris/Blackheart pseudo-trap you're talking about. I wouldn't exactly call it tournament material, but it does well against certain teams. Here are some tips on implementing a coffin-drop keep away: (1) Drop your coffins slightly in front of where you THINK the opponent will be. Opponents usually jump up-forward rather than just up. (2) Being directly over your opponent's head is not necessarily a bad thing. People have a tendency to try to jump straight up into you, where they get smacked around by the Jab coffin-drop. You can also do your down+hk pyramid drop as they come up at you to stop them from getting you. (3) Don't stay in one place too long. After a few coffin drops, air dash to the other side of the screen. (4) Occasionally, throw out a Pharoah's curse. Then air dash forward so you are above it. You'd be surprised how many people just jump right up into the slow-moving projectile. (5) Superjumping roundhouse has about a half screen's range. Use it just before you land and call BH back in. (6) Use your coffin drop super when you screw up. It burns a level, but it covers most of the screen. Also, you can use it to punish assists, then DHC to something more powerful. (7) Don't even try it against Capcom assist, or Capcom at point. Other Stuff: Tiger Knee Pharoah's Curse can be done, but is a waste of time. His jump speed is SOOOOO slow that he will not get far enough off the ground, causing him to spit it right into the ground, which gives you no horizontal range on the attack. Viscant's infinite is crouching HP + Cyke assist, superjumping LK, MK, Pharoah's Curse. Land, Dash, repeat. It works. However, launching with Anakaris is hella difficult. Best time is when someone tries to triangle jump you, as his launcher has insane priority and hits on both sides of him. Anakaris has a 2-hit overhead (back+LK) that you can use to help get opponents to stand up for the Miira Drop (Idle Hands). I do: Crouching LP, back+LK XX Miira Drop. Cancel after the first hit and before the second hit. The opponent usually stands up just in time for the throw. If you don't see the opponent stand up, just let the 2nd hit of the overhead connect, and do a ground combo. Also, up close, you can jump and then do a pyramid drop, which has to be blocked high, and is faster than most overheads anyway. If you're seriously going to use Anakaris, you should read Kao Megura's (Chris McDonald's) FAQ. It has a comprehensive list of what combos are possible, and exactly how much damage (in pixels) they do. It's on his site. Because I'm never wrong, -DFA Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 05:19 AM: Thanx for everyone's help so far. What about the strategy of using cyclops aaa to set up the pharaoh's curse? Any comments about it? me-"I'm trying to get at least one person to play Anakaris in the tournament" Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 05:26 AM: Just thought of some other strategies: So far I made: Anakaris/Blackheart AAA Pseudo-Trap: Any other person works better with this? Doom's Photon Assist? Anakaris/Cyclops AAA: Will Cyclops AAA set up the Pharaoh Curse? Or is there someone better for it? Triangle Jumping!!! So basically you jump and then do df+k, go into a low chain, jump and then do df+k. Is this good to use? Anti-Runaway Storm:COFFIN DROP!!! So how do you feel about Anakaris vs. runaway storm? So far I came up with some match-ups: Bad vs: Blackheart AAA, Capcom and Capcom AAA Good vs: Runaway Storm Good partners: Cyclops, Blackheart Time for more comments!!! And I hope I get a reply from one of the mods!!! me-"I'm trying to get at least one person to play Anakaris in the tournament" Posted by ShoFunaki on 03:18:2001 06:26 AM: Don't foret Anakaris' jumpping HK-the only jumping attack which needs to be blocked low. "It is because we are evil!HAHAHAHAHAHA!" "INDEED." Posted by TimeFlip on 03:18:2001 06:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by ShoFunaki: Don't foret Anakaris' jumpping HK-the only jumping attack which needs to be blocked low. "It is because we are evil!HAHAHAHAHAHA!" "INDEED." I didn't know that. Now how do I utilize it in game play? Suggestions? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:18:2001 07:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip: Just thought of some other strategies: So far I made: And then you proceed to paraphrase everything I, and the other posters in this thread said. None of this was original. Do not try to take credit for it. quote: Triangle Jumping!!! So basically you jump and then do df+k, go into a low chain, jump and then do df+k. Is this good to use? You don't understand. This is not triangle jumping. It's not even close. This acts just like a normal overhead would, except it's a bit faster than the average overhead. A triangle jump is a cross-up tactic. This overhead is only useful when you are playing pressure, and the opponent is just blocking everything low. If you want to try for a cross-up: (up close) Poke once or twice, do jumping fierce + projectile assist, dash forward a short ways (to the other side), and do either a Pharoah's Curse, DownForward Pyramid drop, or Sarcophagus Drop. Or just Down+HK pyramid drop to land sooner, then do Miira Drop. Nothing wrong with his up-close offense. The problem with Anakaris in serious competition is not his offense. His offense is very good. It's his defense. He takes damage REALLY badly, he can't get out of many traps (only 1 that I can think of), and his (lack of) speed makes him VERY susceptible to rushdowns. So he isn't good against ANY of the major playing styles. He even loses to good turtles, because his moves all have ENORMOUS lag time. So, before you can even think about playing Anakaris in competition, you are going to have to find some way of improving his defensive ability. And that will be tough, because he's too slow to jump backwards, and his dash isn't terribly quick, and only moves him 1/4 of a screen. Add to that some truly worthless assists, and hopefully you'll get the picture. Sorry if I sound like an asshole, but my perception is that you are trying to rip stuff off, without giving anyone their due credit. A tip: go to great lengths to give credit to others when you learn something from them. ShoFunaki: His jumping HK hits low!?! WTF? I gotta try that! OK, I'm out. -DFA Posted by TimeFlip on 03:20:2001 12:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip: Just thought of some other strategies: So far I made: And then you proceed to paraphrase everything I, and the other posters in this thread said. None of this was original. Do not try to take credit for it. quote: Triangle Jumping!!! So basically you jump and then do df+k, go into a low chain, jump and then do df+k. Is this good to use? You don't understand. This is not triangle jumping. It's not even close. This acts just like a normal overhead would, except it's a bit faster than the average overhead. A triangle jump is a cross-up tactic. This overhead is only useful when you are playing pressure, and the opponent is just blocking everything low. If you want to try for a cross-up: (up close) Poke once or twice, do jumping fierce + projectile assist, dash forward a short ways (to the other side), and do either a Pharoah's Curse, DownForward Pyramid drop, or Sarcophagus Drop. Or just Down+HK pyramid drop to land sooner, then do Miira Drop. Nothing wrong with his up-close offense. The problem with Anakaris in serious competition is not his offense. His offense is very good. It's his defense. He takes damage REALLY badly, he can't get out of many traps (only 1 that I can think of), and his (lack of) speed makes him VERY susceptible to rushdowns. So he isn't good against ANY of the major playing styles. He even loses to good turtles, because his moves all have ENORMOUS lag time. So, before you can even think about playing Anakaris in competition, you are going to have to find some way of improving his defensive ability. And that will be tough, because he's too slow to jump backwards, and his dash isn't terribly quick, and only moves him 1/4 of a screen. Add to that some truly worthless assists, and hopefully you'll get the picture. Sorry if I sound like an asshole, but my perception is that you are trying to rip stuff off, without giving anyone their due credit. A tip: go to great lengths to give credit to others when you learn something from them. ShoFunaki: His jumping HK hits low!?! WTF? I gotta try that! OK, I'm out. -DFA Sorry. I'm just trying to make a list of all the anakaris strategies I have. Oh well so anyway I've started a web page about him. As I use more I'll post here. So anyway I was just thinking if his Miraa drop can hit in between waves of the HSF. I mean, if he can grab Sentinel, wouldn't the drones zoom past him? JCHensor please post!!! My webpage is at It's not complete as I have no pictures and I'm not totally done with it. I need to resave my pictures then. me-"I'm trying to get at least one person to play Anakaris in the tournament" Posted by cheese_master on 03:21:2001 03:11 PM: Funny thing is many people play Anakaris in the arcade around here... usually its for fun, but nonetheless its Anakaris. I myself believe that playing Anakaris against certain characters is basically an automatic loss. The number one rule of playing Anakaris... no matter how good you are, don't play him against Cable... one wiffed move results in 60% damage from one AHVB... let alone the second one that everyone can do. Number two rule of playing Anakaris, have good back up! I'm talking Sentinel-Blackheart. Spiral, Sentinel, and Anakaris(variety) works great too. Anakaris is in many ways like Strider... he is useless without the right team. Number three rule of playing Anakaris... Sentinel maybe as deadly a matchup as Cable... Anakaris's pokes won't let him get quick damage ground combos because of the super armor. And Sentinel has to hit you like Six times before killing you... your only hope is to keep him grounded or catch him with a launcher into an air combo... after that... Sentinel will most likely be near death if not worse. Number four rule of Anakaris... know that his coffins do not cover the entire screen, it leaves an opening at the opposite end edge of the screen. This means don't try to drop coffins all day unless they have a big character without an antiair (highly unlikely). Number five rule... Anakaris is all about mind games... a great strat with him is super jump up and drop two coffins and then stop and start to drop down when your opponent is trying to superjump at you, and do a grab. This leads to great amounts irritation on your opponent and plays the thought in his mind, "crap I can't superjump!" Or another one (when they don't have a beam character). Call a projectile or ground traveling assist... to force them to jump, and jump up and grab them. Number six rule: Powerful assists like a powered up Juggernaut... are useful to do in your ground combos, and to help extend ground combos. A good easy one is jump in j lk, j rk, land call Jugg(powered or not) c lk, c lk, Jugg punch, dash, launch, sj lp, sj lk, sj lp, sj lk, b-f pp. This can do damn near 100% on any character. Number 7 rule is do not normal jump to predictably, because Jesus Christ is guard breaking Anakaris's worst enemy (now you know why fighting Cable is a lost cause). Number eight rule-- Have a good DHC followup... because if you opponent is assisting predictably and you see an opening to nail the assist because you somehow managed to get near him... b-f pp and mash like a mad man and then cancel into someone like Sentinel, Cable, Iron Man, Storm, Juggernaut... and they just lost one assist character. Number nine-- when playing fast characters such as Cammy, Mag, Storm or airdasher such as IM, mag, Storm, Dhalsim... play a defensive game. Going offensive will allow them to capitalize greatly on the slightest mistakes. Number 10-- Know infinites... if you don't know IM's infinite or can't set it up... then you don't play him right? Well the same goes for Anakaris. Final thought... Anakaris is great against a person the first two or three times you play them... but in a tournament, when people see your style of play... they will figure out how to counter it. I say this because... there are a limited number of thing Anakaris can do against top tiers... and a good player will understand this and adjust his playing style accordingly. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:42 PM. Show all 17 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.